Green, Gold or Silver - What's The Color of Your Money?

By Brian Gosur

Kermit the frog sings a great song called, " It's Not Easy Being Green". I think that if money could talk, that would be it's favorite song. It's not easy being an American dollar today. It's value continues to drop and drop and drop. Some are predicting the eventual collapse of the dollar.

Ever since Richard Nixon took us off the gold standard back in 1971, the dollar has faltered. That green paper you carry around is just that. Paper! But whenever the dollar falls the price of silver and gold go up.

I have been involved with the network marketing business for a brief period of time, and in the time I have been with some very well known companies that have been around for a long long time. I am using an internet marketing system to market my businesses that is the best on the planet. It has completely changed the way I do business today.

The best investments right now is gold and silver. Commodities. That is your best protection against inflation. There are also some great buys in real estate, if you have access to the capital, but have you seen the price of gold and silver recently?

Gold is about $1200 an ounce, and silver is going for about $18.00 an ounce. According to Robert Kiyosaki, silver is the better buy right now than gold. He says you should be buying it up. Why?

1. Gold is more plentiful then silver. 2. Silver is more in demand for manufacturing purposes. 3. You can get 60 ounces of silver for every ounce of gold you buy.

We need to take a long hard look at our budgets. I know it's not easy, but see what you could save if you cut out Starbucks everyday. Maybe drop one of those movie channels or see if you can't car pool to the office. If you find a way to save a hundred bucks a month and invest that green paper for some real money... Silver money. Just think where you would be by the end of the year. At the end of five years?

I don't know how you are about new years resolutions, but this one sounds worth looking into. Putting your paycheck into a bank that pays you 2.5% or in silver that could pay 50% or more.

Could silver hit $100 an ounce?....Some are saying yes. What would be the color of your money then?

Real Money - [link;network marketing];network marketing];Gold and Silver]

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